How to Make Profound Changes — One Small Shift At a Time

And what can feel tricky is that of course there are yoga poses and things and people in this life that really aren't the best fit for us. But when you stay plugged into your intuition about what really feels right for you, when you stay open enough to be willing to try out just this one little shift…you can have those breakthroughs. You don't need to wait for some gigantic shift in outer circumstances to break through your inner barriers.

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You're Not Who You Think You Are Anyway (Lessons From My First Silent Meditation Retreat)

But when we stop taking our "small s self" so seriously, our "capital S Self” reminds us it's been there all along. And the (capital S) Self is constant. It's whole and centered and perfect and at ease, and its wholeness depends not one ounce on concepts or circumstances. It just is.

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Want to Build Strength? Start Surrendering.

With too little awareness and intention, we stay stuck in the same place. With too much force, we bulldoze right past the present moment. But when you hit it just right, you get to hang in that ease-y space, where it feels like you're being magically supported. You know when you've hit that sweet spot because the effort suddenly doesn't feel like work.

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How to Meditate: 10 Tips to Jumpstart Your Mindfulness Practice

The ability of a consistent mindfulness practice to enhance our physical and emotional wellbeing, among a long list of other benefits, is truly profound. And ultimately most profound in its ability to open us up to the reality of how inextricably interconnected all beings are, and the love and compassion that gets uncorked with that clear seeing.

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