Why "What should I do with my life?" is the Wrong Question to Be Asking

What if this messy, curious, confusing, exciting, terrifying, eyes open exploration is your life's purpose?

What shifts if you drop the illusion that some perfectly packaged "Here's what you're meant to do with your life" bundle with a bow will arrive at your doorstep and you accept that whatever you're exploring or struggling with right now is your life's purpose?

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Not a Believer Yet? No Problem.

You don't have to believe it fully for the seeds of possibility to start to germinate.

You just have to keep the door of possibility open, and acknowledge that even slightest sliver of what's possible.

Then keep opening the door a little more and a little more, and the universe will start to open the door in equal measure.

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Four Words That Can Change Your Life in a Heartbeat

All we need to do to get unstuck from a sticky moment - aka a sticky thought - is to: Pause. Step back. Take an objective look at what's actually happening (not in your mind, but in reality). And get curious about what's under the microscope, with no clinging to or pushing away whatever you discover.

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How to Get Over the Systems Upgrade Hump

Comfortable tends to trump unknown, even when we're aware that the way we're operating is a) really painful and b) holding us back and slowing us down. The irony is, the investment of energy required to update our internal systems (limiting beliefs and skewed self-perceptions) is actually way less than the energy it takes to struggle through with the same old inefficiencies.

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How to Turn Jealousy Into an Ally

When we view jealousy from the perspective that what we see out there is something we not only don't have now but believe we may never be able to have, it is a nasty beast for sure, and can leave us feeling petty and guilty. But there’s a much friendlier way to view jealousy: As a reminder that what you see in the person you're jealous of is something you want to turn the volume up on in yourself.

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Dating Rock Bottom, Cold Bathroom Floors & No More Crumbs

Yes, long-held beliefs have layers. But if you chip away steadily and with heart-centered intention, you'll get to their core, and you'll uncover what's actually always been true: That you are 100% whole. That there is nothing you need "out there" that you don't already have "in here." That you are fully capable of giving and receiving love. And that you are worthy of love. Right. Now.

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I Said I'm Not Mad!! (Why You Don’t Actually Have to Bypass Your Feelings)

Acknowledging and accepting our emotions is very different than indulging or dwelling in them. The more fully and honestly you let yourself feel whatever you're feeling right now, the less you'll have to play clean-up down the road. There are no emotions you're not allowed to feel.

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Freedom Freedom

The Simple Way to Change a Habit

If you pay attention to the repeated actions you're taking (and thoughts you're thinking, words you're speaking) now, you can lay the bricks of the supportive habits you want to become your default M.O. down the road. The first step to changing a habit - however deeply entrenched it is - is to become aware that you have it.

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