Melissa Maher Melissa Maher

Lessons In Bravery From a 4-Year-Old Learning To Ride a Pedal Bike

We can be scared and brave at the same time. Fear and resistance don't have to be taken as red lights. They can be interpreted or explored, rather, as signs that something within us is calling for some attention, inquiry, or care. We can view fear and resistance as flashing yellow lights calling our attention inward to explore our inner landscape and see where the fear or resistance is coming from so we can validate, soothe, calm, reassure, and resource those unsure parts of us.

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Melissa Maher Melissa Maher

The 4-Word Shift Toward Self-Love

The practice of repeatedly and consistently withdrawing our attention from what things look like outside of us and turning our attention instead inward toward what things feel like within us, while at first glance a seemingly subtle shift, is actually quite revolutionary. Because self-love is a natural byproduct of self-intimacy. Self-intimacy is a natural byproduct of self-friendliness. Self-friendliness is a natural byproduct of self-awareness.

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Melissa Maher Melissa Maher

The Difference Between Surviving & Flourishing

Given the right conditions and consistent care, that seedling of the part of yourself you've been missing can be nourished back toward flourishing. It all depends on which parts of yourself you place your intention and your attention on again and again and again.

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Melissa Maher Melissa Maher

Don’t Worry About Being Your Most Authentic Self

Authenticity naturally and effortlessly radiates from you when you're in a reasonably relaxed, centered, embodied (connected to the felt sense of being in a body, rather than being lost in thought) state. Being authentic actually requires zero thought and — hard as this can feel to wrap our conceptual minds around — zero effort.

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Melissa Maher Melissa Maher

The Connective Capacity of Self-Compassion

This is one of the most overlooked benefits of self-compassion: That while many of us initially fear that treating ourselves more kindly will be a slippery slope into slothdom, the opposite actually tends to prove true.

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Melissa Maher Melissa Maher

The Load-Lightening Power of Community

This is what community does for us, right? It lets us feel capable of handling more than we've felt capable of handling on our own. It helps lessen our load when things feel too much to bear on our own. 

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Melissa Maher Melissa Maher

Reconnecting, One Moment at a Time

Interconnectedness is our natural state of being. We simply have to remind ourselves to remember to notice moments of connection as they naturally arise.

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Melissa Maher Melissa Maher

Caterpillar Soup

We tend to try to rush past that soupy phase into our next — less messy, less unpleasant — phase. And understandably so. The “soupy phase” doesn't tend to be much fun. But it's a necessary part of the process of transformation.

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Melissa Maher Melissa Maher

Preschool-Style Basics of Being Human

How does anyone get their emotional needs met when everyone’s bandwidth seems to be shrunken down in the same moment? I think we can start by going back to the Golden Rule — aka the preschool-style basics of being human.

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Self-Compassion Lessons From a 2-year-old

This is the same thing we're doing with self-compassion practice as adults. We're (re)installing that gentle, nurturing, maternal-type, soothing voice within ourselves that helps us feel safe and calm so we can access a sense of resilience from within whenever we need it — particularly when we're struggling, feeling scared, inept, or alone.

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Some Thoughts & Resources For This Wild Moment (3/23/20)

So now here we are. Each of us in our own family units, our own communities, this country, and the world, together in this same wild situation. Reminded every day – every moment, in fact - how inextricably interwoven our cells and well-being and lives as beings on this planet are.

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Hanging in the Hammock Between "Over" & "Next"

What if the more you practice hanging with the discomfort of the I-don't-know-ness rather than trying to distract yourself from it or solve your way out of it, the more strength and trust that you can handle whatever life throws at you you'll start to own within yourself?

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