The Tipping Point Between Excitement and Disappointment
Trying to control our way into turning something that's ephemeral – like everything actually is – into something permanent that we can hold onto forever inevitably backfires.
A Recipe to Alleviate Suffering
It’s an illusion/delusion that fixating on something that happened in the past or worrying about something that might possibly happen in the future can actually change the present. The present moment simply is as it is. The more quickly and fully we can surrender into reality as it is in this moment, the less suffering we have to endure.
You’re Not Being Tested. You’re Being Strengthened.
It's the notion that the universe is challenging you to get really real: “Are you SURE you actually want this??” But the way I view it is that, actually, the universe isn’t testing you. It’s preparing you. You're being strengthened to be ready to meet this expanded, new, likely terrifying to your comfort-and-safety-loving-ego-driven-self (small s) next phase.
The Paradox of Being Fully Seen
It’s such a paradox at the heart of being human, isn’t it? How a part of us wants nothing more than to be wholly seen in our fullest expression, but another part of us wants to hide our truest self away for fear of being seen in that vulnerable fullness.
The Power of Slowing Down, Getting Curious & Seeking to Understand
And these types of connective conversations, where we intend to really understand and honor another human in their full humanness, really are sacred. We feel differently when we're seen differently. We feel whole when we're seen as whole. We feel lovable when our inherent lovability is reflected back to us.
Why Joy Is Anything But Frivolous
So you can come at it from lots of approaches — practicing joyspotting, committing to a Daily Delights practice, consciously dialing up your intuition and creativity — but the result is the same:
By turning our attention intentionally toward these uplifting qualities, we enliven our spirit; are reminded of our pure, loving essence; and remember that we’re connected to all of life.
Tap Into The Courage To Honor Your Natural Rhythm (& 3 Simple Tips to Help)
Discerning between when it’s time to push something forward through disciplined action versus when it’s time to plant seeds, rest, germinate, and then ride the wave of energy and inspiration when it naturally starts to crest again can feel fuzzy, for sure. But we can prime our awareness to be better able to discern between when it’s time to give ourselves a loving nudge forward and when it’s time to honor a rest/germination/stillness/inward phase.
Are You Sure That Was Just A Coincidence? (The Magical Power of Synchronicity)
Synchronicities are those incidents that seem on the surface simply like happy coincidences. The perfect resource or connection showing up “randomly” in the perfect way at the perfect time. But if we tune in more closely, synchronicities can deliver really potent information.
How To Get The Message Quickly So The Painful Messenger Can Go Away
The more conscious we become, the less painfully, less loudly, and less extensively the universe needs to “knock on our door” to get our attention. If we're tuned in enough to “catch” the first, quietest whispers signaling to us that something's out of whack within us and we take aligned action to return things toward center right then, those painful tactics don't have to amplify.
You Don’t Have to KNOW. Just NOTICE. (The magic of creativity and the alchemical art of attention.)
The more we can lean into noticing and soften our mind's preoccupation with knowing — in some illusory, fixed, certain, permanent way — as we go through the moments and wonders of the days of our life, the more loving and life-affirming our attention becomes.
Just Follow One Breadcrumb At a Time. (The path will clarify as you go.)
It all makes sense looking backward. But we can’t know that from the vantage point of our current ego-mind state that's lost in the weeds of “how” and worry and doubt. But the thing is: You don't have to know what the whole path forward will look like. Just follow the next breadcrumb you see appearing in front of you. And then the next one. The rest of the path will clarify - and your trust will grow - as you go.
Life Lessons From a Yoga Mat (You’re not back at the same old place. You’re spiraling upward.)
With each new crack in a previously fixed sense of self and identity, with each painful rift from something we thought was stable or permanent in our lives, with every deep desire we've clung to that proves itself to, in the end, not be what our soul needed, we’re given the opportunity to start fresh in the current moment again and again. Now the practice of life begins.
We’re Not Just Looking For Change. We’re Seeking TRANSFORMATION. (Why diving deep within ourselves is worth the risk.)
Transformation is a cleansing process. A purification. A detoxification. Transformation alchemizes what's here now into a higher-frequency, more integrated, more expansive form.
So yes, learning to change our habits and shift our mindset is incredibly valuable. But if you truly want to experience life in a way that feels deeply aligned and connected and enlivening, that can only happen by slowing down. Getting present. And dropping into your body to see what’s swirling deep within your being, calling for the courage for soul-level transformation.
The Healing of Feeling: The Power of Accessing, Acknowledging & Allowing ALL Emotions Within Your Experience
In order to move back toward an embodied sense of integrated wholeness within our Selves as adults, we have to start to gradually - in ways and at a pace that feel safe enough to our most vulnerable parts - learn that it now actually is safe and OK to touch into those feelings that felt too hot to touch all those years ago.
Daily Delights: A practice to deepen mindfulness & embodiment (and to simply feel good)
These qualities — when intentionally noticed as they’re felt in the moment and in the body — connect us to the rhythm and magical quality of the universe at large, beyond our limited and limiting small ‘s’ sense of self. And they drop us out of our intellectual mind and ego filter into a direct experience of being alive as felt through the senses and through tracking the movement of energy in our bodies.
The Mindful, Self-Compassionate Path to Sparking Intuition
Our insights don't just stay at the mental/intellectual level. They drop into our body as embodied wisdom on a somatic, cellular, energetic level. And as that authentic embodiment settles into our being, and as we stay dedicated to strengthening our heart muscles through practices like loving-kindness, our intuition lights up as well.
We’ve Gotta Ride the Wave We’re Given: How to Surrender Happily Rather Than Begrudgingly Into the Moment
What if we decide to not only surrender into the wave, but also choose to trust that every wave life brings us is actually for our soul's greatest good?
Three Simple Reminders To Enrich Your Life In An Instant
There's no need to overcomplicate things. The simplest wisdom is the most profound.
Somatic Awareness: The Key to Positive Change
The more practiced we become at tuning into what we're picking up through our senses in the body and noting and naming what we're feeling emotionally in any given moment, the more easily and consistently we can initiate positive change.
All Parts of You Are Welcome Here (Shifting From Inner Tug-of-War to Inner Integration)
Having not been back to Nosara, Costa Rica in 17 years, I knew it would feel amazing to be here, but also anticipated it possibly feeling a bit bittersweet. Historically when I've revisited places that felt transformative to my younger self I've often still felt part of myself “tugged” toward them, my mind quietly conjuring fantasies of upending my life in the States and moving myself / my family to this slower-paced, more Earth- and rhythms-of-life-connected, simpler-lifestyled place. But what I felt this time was, instead, a deep and peaceful sense of integration.